Happy Holidays
Wishing you a Merry Christmas from the Administrative Team to each and everyone of you
HHS's Transportation Tracker
Always be in the know....To see the arrival times of each bus in the morning and afternoon, please click the link below to see a complete listing of busses and important information pertaining to them.
Teachers, when students present to you a valid Late Bus Pass during 1st block only, the student should be marked present by you in Infinite Campus
The only authorized RestroomPass
Just a friendly reminder to ensure that students are utilizing the QR Codes linked to Student Conductor when seeking restroom breaks.
Our fantastic campus Safety Monitors will be equipped with Chromebooks to monitor the names of students with permission. If a student's name isn't listed in Student Conductor with a valid or timed-out pass, they'll be directed back to class.
Please emphasize that when given a restroom pass, the restroom is the only destination permitted for the student.
Thank you for your cooperation in maintaining a smooth and organized campus flow!
Don't forget to ask the student to bring back your blue restroom pass.
Meeting Schedule.
December 2024
Hampton High School's
Wednesday Meeting Schedule
Leadership Team Meeting 1st Wed
Faculty Meeting 2nd Wed
Department Meeting 3rd Wed
Christmas Break 4th Wed
Protected Time
Faculty Meeting Make-up Sessions will always be the following Thursday morning
After the faculty meeting @ 7:30 am in the media center
We ask that you not schedule events or activities during these
school sanctioned meeting times.
Late Bus Pass
Allow the student 10 minutes, from the time on the pass, to pickup their breakfast and make it to their 1st block class.
Late Bus 411...
When a student presents a valid late bus pass, we ask that the receiving teacher verifies the date and time on the pass, updates the student's attendance in Infinite Campus to show that they are present, and allows the student to eat their cafeteria-issued breakfast in class if they have one. Additionally, please ensure that any missed information is provided to the late student(s). Keep in mind that these students are not at fault for the bus arriving late, and they should not face any penalties if they present a valid late bus pass.
Hello and welcome to The Hampton Huddle. The purpose of this
site is to provide our staff with an overview of events and activities that will be taking place on the campus of Hampton High School. We ask that our teachers visit this page weekly
to ensure that he/she is abreast of the most recent activities/events at the hive.
Go Hornets
Hampton High School's
Weekly Schedule
Week 17
Day #81
-Winter MAP Testing 9th grade
-Administrative OPS (Operations & Logistical Planning) Meeting in room 208 @ 9:50 am
-504 Meeting with Mrs. Tarver 3:30 pm "Virtual" By invitation only
-HHS 9th/JV Boys Basketball vs Union Grove HS 4:00p (Away)
Week 17
Day #82
-Winter MAP Testing 9th grade
-Collaborative Planning
Geometry Collaborative Planning 8:25 - 9:10
-Principal's Network Meeting All day. Dr. Powell will be the administrator of the hour
-Collaborative Planning World History 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm
-504 Meeting with Mrs. Tarver 3:30 pm "Virtual" By invitation only
-HHS Varsity Boys/Girls Basketball vs McDonough HS 6:00p (Away)
-Hive Theatre Presents: Improv Night 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Week 17
Day 83
-Winter MAP Testing 9th grade
-Collaborative Planning Algebra 1 Year Long 8:25 am - 9:10 am
-Collaborative Planning 9th grade Lit Comp 10:35 am - 11:30 pm
-Biology Collaborative Planning 12:45 pm - 1:30 pm
-HHS Faculty meeting Holiday Celebration in the Learning commons at 3:30 pm
-HHS Football End of Season Celebration Banquet 6:00p Commons
-HHS Flag Football End of Season Celebration Banquet 6:00p Media Center
Week 17
Day #84
-Winter MAP Testing 9th grade
-School Council Meeting 8:30 am Main Principal’s Conference room 208
-Site Visit - Admin Team
-FFA Meeting CTSO Conference
-Collaborative planning American Lit 10:55 am - 11:25 pm
-Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment (CIA) Meeting @ 12:45 pm in room #208
-Collaborative Planning US History 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm
-504 Meeting with Mrs. Tarver 3:30 pm "Virtual" By invitation only
-HHS 9th/JV Boys Basketball vs Newton Co. HS 5:00p (Away)
Week 18
Day # 85
-Winter MAP Testing 9th grade
-The faculty and staff please feel free to come dressed in your spirit attire.
-High School Principal's Luncheon AAS 11:30 am
-Collaborative Planning Algebra 1 Year Long 8:25 am - 9:10 am
-504 Meeting with Mrs. Tarver 3:30 pm "Virtual" By invitation only
-HHS Varsity Boys/Girls Basketball vs Locust Grove HS 6:00 pm (Home)
-HHS Varsity Swimming Whoville Invitational, Adairsville HS (Away) 10:00 am
-Varsity Boy/Girls Wrestling at Luella HS 8:00 am (Away)
As established by HCS
Yearlong Algebra I, EXAMS: 12/16-12/20
Block Am Lit, Unit 6: 12/9-12/13
Block Am Lit, EXAMS: 12/16-12/20
Block Algebra I, EXAMS: 12/16-12/20
Block Biology, EXAMS: 12/16-12/20
Block US History, EXAMS: 12/16-12/20
As you plan during your collaborative planing sessions please plan with the district's assessment windows in mind. Please note that we assess students after the concepts have been taught, however we ask that you adhere to the district's pacing structure.
Question to consider?
How are we using our Fall MAP data to identify and remediate prerequisite skills needed for students to have access to grade level curriculum?
Heads up!!!!
Yearlong Algebra I, EXAMS: 12/16-12/20
Block Am Lit, Unit 6: 12/9-12/13
Block Am Lit, EXAMS: 12/16-12/20
Block Algebra I, EXAMS: 12/16-12/20
Block Biology, EXAMS: 12/16-12/20
Block US History, EXAMS: 12/16-12/20
Please note that administering CFAs and Unit Assessments is not optional at HHS
Please do not wait until the last day of testing to administer your designated assessment.
Don't forget to administer the assessment upon the return of absent students
Spirit Days
All faculty and staff are more than welcome to wear spirit attire on Friday.
Shirt: Hampton High School Top
Bottoms: Appropriately fitted jeans without wholes or rips.
If you have additional questions about appropriate Spirit Attire please see Mr. Ward
Hornet Pride
Show your Hornet Pride by greeting our students at the door with a smile as they enter the classroom each day.
Reporting an Absence
Inevitably there will be times in which we will not be able to report to work. This section communicates the actions that we ask each employee to take in the event she/he can not
report for work.
All absences (sick, personal, jury duty, or professional) and whether for a partial or full day, must be recorded on a Hampton High Digital Leave Slip (HHDLS). Not following the procedures below for your absence may result in your leave not being approved and/or being counted as leave without pay.
It is our local school attendance goal that no employee miss more than 9 days of work.
Hampton High School 2024-25 Faculty Handbook
Frequently Used Links
Administrative Duties and Responsibilities
Bell Schedules 2023-24
Child Abuse and Neglect Training
Collaborative Planning Template
Collaborative Planning Schedule
Digital Resource Request Process
Grade Reporting Calendar 2024-2025 HCS Home page
Homeroom/Instructional Focus 411
Instructional Administration Tool Kit