Staff Attendance Policy
Reporting an Absence
2.6 Teacher Attendance
The official workday is 7:45 A.M. until 3:45 P.M. All staff should clock in and out through IC using their school issued laptops or the computer in the hallway (by teacher mailboxes) in the main office to sign in each day. Signing in for the workday via Infinite Campus states that I am on campus and am prepared to perform my duties and responsibilities for the school day. Campus Safety Monitors, administrative assistants, and other staff members who do not have access to Infinite Campus should sign-in and out using the sign-in folder in the front office.
Procedures for taking leave - Sick, Personal, Jury Duty, *Vacation, or Professional:
All absences (sick, personal, jury duty, *Vacation, or professional) and whether for a partial or full day, must be recorded on a Hampton High Digital Leave Slip (HHDLS). Not following the procedures below for your absence may result in your leave not being approved and/or being counted as leave without pay. *Please note that only 244 day employees accrue vacation time.
Sick Leave
If the teacher is ill during the night and/or the next morning, access Frontline (formerly Aesop) by calling 800-942-3767 before 6:00 AM or access the website, Once you secure a substitute, email all 4 administrators, the principal’s secretary, and your department chair with the sub number given. Use the pre-formatted email titled “Absence Reporting.”
If the teacher becomes ill while at school, he/she should contact Mrs. Johnson, all 4 administrators, and her/his department chair. You must fill out the Hampton High Digital Leave Slip (HHDLS) and get it approved by Mr. Ward or the administrator of the hour prior to leaving. Mrs. Johnson or Mrs. Huffman will work diligently to secure a substitute. If a substitute teacher cannot be secured, Mrs. Huffman will make arrangements for the classes scheduled to be covered.
If a teacher is out on a Friday prior to a holiday or extended weekend, or the Monday after the Holiday or extended weekend, they will be required to submit a doctor's excuse upon their return. Failure to submit a doctor's excuse will result in leave without pay.
Employees returning from sick leave shall be given 3 business days to submit to Mr. Ward the absent teacher’s original sick leave documentation. It is the employee’s responsibility to submit adequate documentation upon his/her return to work. Failure to do so will result in leave without pay.
Pre-Arranged Absences - Professional Development, Jury Duty, Doctors Appointments, Personal Leave, & Bereavement:
Pre-Arranged absence requests must be submitted at least 5 days prior to the date requested.
Fill out the Hampton High Digital Leave Slip (HHDLS) request form online. Mr. Ward will receive the completed request for leave form and process it for approval.
The request for leave form will then be forwarded back to the teacher denoting approval or denial.
After your leave is approved, please let all 4 administrators and your department chair know of your planned absence.
If you do not receive the request for leave form back with an approval 2 days prior to the date of your requested absence, you are not cleared to be absent. Please see Mr. Ward or email him to inquire of the status of your request.
If requested through PD Express, which is used for professional leave, the PD Express approval should be attached.
All professional development should receive prior approval.
Important Factors to consider when requesting an absence:
Employees will not be allowed to request personal leave on certain “Critical days" (e.g., GA Milestone EOCT dates, 3 days before and 3 days after a school break, district PD Days, & 3 days before and 3 days after a holiday.) Bereavement is an exception and the district policy will be adhered to.
Each employee will be allotted to use up to 3 sick leave days as personal days a year. These days must be approved by the principal no less than 10 school days of the day(s) requested.
If an employee schedules an absence using Aesop on a critical day, they must submit a doctor's excuse. Please forward the documentation that excuses the absence to Mr. Ward within 3 days of the return date.
Failure to adhere to the protocols and processes established in the 2022-23 HHS Faculty Handbook may result in your absence entered as Leave Without Pay.
Mrs. Koehler shall account for the attendance of each teacher, paraprofessional, and classified staff each day at 9:00 am who has not signed-in or submitted a statement of leave for the day by forwarding these names to Mr. Ward.